My name is Kiona, Ph.D., M.S., M.A. and I’m from the Big Island of Hawai’i. I love traveling because it connects me to information. To me, information is the antidote to fear. When you learn about a place, its history, and its people, your mind has the ability to expand and understand a perspective that is different from your own. And from understanding comes love and acceptance. So I love travel because it helps me love more, hate less.


This is why I created my website called How Not To Travel Like A Basic Bitch: to spread the knowledge I collected along the way from perspectives that are not my own in the hopes of mutual understanding for love and peace.The platform is followed by hundreds of thousands of people seeking to gain information that they normally wouldn’t have access to, from places they may not have been able to travel to. But it allows people to travel through a virtual story and showcase of a country and culture.


My favorite place to travel, though? I’m not one to country count because I believe that places are better off being visited multiple times, establishing friendships, routines, and learning and evolving about a place as it grows. It is hard to pick a favorite country, but the place I find myself returning to the most is Mexico. Anywhere in Mexico. Because Mexico is a place whose people operate on respect and kindness. It also holds such huge diversity from people to landscapes that it would be impossible to see and learn it all.


So you can catch my adventures at How Not To Travel Like A Basic Bitch where I showcase countries from perspectives that aren’t exclusively my own. It’s important that we remember that there is never one story about travel. Traveling through different perspectives is important to not only shaping a country, but shaping our minds into the humans we can be proud of.


Website: How Not To Travel Like A Basic Bitch

IG: @hownottotravellikeabasicbitch

FB: How Not To Travel Like A Basic Bitch

Twitter: Don’t Travel Basic